Series Introduction

There are as many ways of making monotypes as there are artists.

Monotypes are unique impressions of ink transferred to paper from a nonporous surface upon which an image has been painted. The first monotype was made in the 17th century by Benedetto Castiglione, in an etching studio. I discovered monotype when I got an article from my mother concerning Degas’s trip to the countryside, where he worked on monotypes with his colleague, the artist Lepic. I was about 12 years old at the time and made my first discovery with monotypes in my mother’s printing studio. Since then, I have never stopped making monotypes.

— Visa Norros

Untitled / 80×110 cm

Untitled / 70×100 cm

Untitled / 60×90 cm

Untitled / 70×100 cm

Untitled / 40×50 cm

Untitled / 50×75 cm

Untitled / 80×110 cm

Untitled / 70×50 cm

Untitled / 70×50 cm


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